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Varicose Veins – FAQs by Dr Roy Varghese – Part 2 of 3

Dr. Roy Varghese MS, DNB, Ph.D, FSVS (USA), Vascular Surgeon, Jubilee Mission Medical College, Trichur, Kerala answers varicose vein related queries.

This is Part 2 of 3. This section addresses the use of compression stockings for the management of varicose veins.

Also see Part 1 (Causes and Nature of varicose veins)  and Part 3 (Surgical options for the treatment of varicose veins).

  1. Do I have to wear varicose vein stockings for rest of my life?

It is better to wear stockings when ever possible as it help to prevent the recurrence of the problem.

  1. How long I should wear compression stockings in a day?

Most of the time in a day you need to wear compression stockings, especially when you stand or sit for a long period of time.

  1. How is the decision made of whether to use a class I or a class II stocking?

Based on your stage of progression of disease only your doctor can decide which compression class you require.

  1. How is the decision made of whether to use below knee or above knee stockings?

It depends on the source and location of the problem. Always better to take the decision after consulting with your doctor.

  1. Can i use varicose vein stockings even if I am suffering from other diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol etc?  Does varicose vein stockings contra indicated for any diseases?

Varicose veins are contra indicated for severe peripheral obstructive arterial disease, severe uncontrolled congestive heart failure, septic phlebitis, oozing dermatitis, advanced peripheral neuropathy. It is advised to consult with your doctor before use.

  1. Can I be cured of my varicose veins?

Proper treatment at the early stages gives better results. Regular follow-up, proper exercise and diet after the treatment can keep the problem away.

  1. What are the risk factors of leaving the varicose veins untreated?

If left untreated varicose veins an lead to bleeding, severe oedema, thrombo phlebitis (blood clots) leading to DVT and ulcerations.

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