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Missing Microbes – book by Dr Blaser (NYTimes review)

“Missing Microbes – How Antibiotics can do Harm” – by Dr. Martin J. Blaser – published March 2014

Dr Blaser is a professor of medicine and infectious diseases at New York University.

Some points from the book –

1. Increasing resistance due to rampant abuse of antibiotics

2. Benevolent bacteria are killed as well by these antibiotics

3. Even the harmful bacteria may have some beneficial side-effects. e.g as heliobacter pylori is being eradicated to treat stomach ulcers, it has led to an increase in incidences of oesophagal disease and heartburn

4. Early treatment of children with antibiotics could lead to weakened immune systems and long-term impact on metabolism

Link to the full interview (registration may be required)


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